18 thoughts on “Was Ronaldo showing his respect for Munich?

  1. Is this the same Ronaldo who was desperate to leave OT who wouldn’t celebrate a goal in his final season and agreed with Blatter he was being treated like a modern day slave by United.

    Ronaldo is a cunt and treated the fans and club like shit!!!

  2. Well said, he’s a cunt! I hope real win fuck all and mourinho comes to united when the messiah retires

  3. Cunt he may be but not as big a cunt as that granny fucking cunt, Wayne over hyped fucker Rooney.
    Fuck off Rooney

  4. Hey hey guys, are we not all Truly Reds? Everyone must be entitled to an opinion but how about showing some simple respect for our former and current players?

  5. I agree with Frank.

    Whatever he was, Ron played really well and scored a lot of goals for United. That is visible in United’s hat trick when he was playing here. So please, do not disrespect him outright.

    Same is the case with Wayne. So guys a little respect.

  6. Ive no liking for Ronaldo his antics while at the club were cringe worthy , He did however, produce the goods consistantly. My attitude when he left was thank you , The king is dead long live the king . We moved on with Wayne given the spot light Low and behold he has made a mockery of our club . Our highest paid player needs to show he is worth the money !! When he is rady him and the vacum salesman can follow Ronnie . I totally understand our respect and commitment to our present and past players . But it is a two way street .

  7. How naive are we??? He does not know what respect means, don’t fool yourselves he does not respect anyone buy himself and he certainly treated the fans like morons who in return sang his name even straight after he rediculed them, just like we done with Roy Keane. On these type of matters we really do need to learn from the Liverpool supporters.

  8. Ronaldo is a cunt I was delighted to see the back of the cheating twat,those reds still arse licking him must be gay – HE SAID FUCK OFF UNITED and joined MADRID.

    GO and support MADRID you FUCKING bell ends –

  9. Sill don’t understand the hate that some fans have for Ronaldo. They guy is from Portugal, dreams of playingfor RM. Won all he could here and then earnt us £80 mil.
    Then we have Rooney. Is English so Man Utd should be pinnacle. But he bleeds us for a new contract by saying we not a force anymore. Only to rethink it when he gets his money. All while he can’t hit a cows arse with a banjo for 6 months +.

    At least Ronaldo was still banging them in right up until he left.

  10. “Is this the same Ronaldo who was desperate to leave OT who wouldn’t celebrate a goal in his final season”

    Tell me do you actually watch United? If not then please look up Ronaldo’s goal against Spurs in 2009 and tell me how that’s not celebrating?

    Every player that leaves United isn’t a cunt, he did great things for us and should be remembered for that. And also he’s never said one bad word about United and praises the club, fans and everything else about us at every chance he gets. Cop on

  11. I will not respect someone who doesn’t respect me back, both Ronaldo and Rooney have been given great support and respect, and they turn their back, and make the club and its supporters look like fools. Seems like the people who still respect the likes of Rooney are even bigger fools.

  12. We really should endeavour to get CR7 back to Old Trafford should the rumoured Qatari millions materialise and the lecherous yanks finally do the decent thing .
    He has been such a loss when you consider him rampaging around the field creating and scoring goals from anywhere . Remember that header away to Roma ? Typified the man .
    We’ve coped with losing big name players before – especially the likes of RVN but we simply cannot replace this guy with anyone other than Cristiano Ronaldo .

  13. This whole debate has spewed up from a few deluded United fans who cannot be bothered checking facts before they tweet something. There was a page on the Real Madrid website explaining why the team was weraing black armbands.
    It has nothng to do with Muncih whatsoever- I love Ronnie but you cannot credit him with something Munich-based he does not deserve.
    Are you saying his armband was different from all his team mates? This is naive nonsense and I find it all embarassing.

  14. the biggest winner is rooney who is right now earning more than ronaldo ever earned and doing nothing to justify his earnings!!!

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