8 thoughts on “Kiko returns home – but will he make the grade?

  1. Great to see him back and maybe he will get the chance that many others didn’t like Guiseppe Rossi to mention one.

  2. Let’s hope so swede. Sometimes football is all about being in the right place AT the right time.

  3. Kiko is a classy player with Berbatov’s touch and Christian Vieri like style.Kiko will certainly make the grade only at Man United.

  4. Thanks for making the point Big Boss. Sampdoria is a club based in the city of Genoa just like Lazio is a club based in Rome, Arsenal based in London and Everton in Liverpool. There’s nothing that I need to be sure about in this case harpheeze

  5. I know this isa side issue but I wanted to comment on Wenger not wanting Nasri to go to United because they’re a direct rival. He doesn’t mind Cesc going to Barça though but they are also direct rivals. Who beat the gunners in the CL final a few years agoi and knocked them out the last two years running?

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