3 thoughts on “Sick of Sneijder saga…and other transfer gossip

  1. i would like to see a new face, but i am at the usual point where it seems unlikely and just want the window to close.

    as the rumours never stop and we will never know the truth about anything with the only confirmation being if we sign someone.

  2. I agree about Sneijder. His (previous) wage demands are double what we ought to have been paying. As far as I am concerned he has missed the boat and should have lowered his demands much sooner. 200 grand a week on top of £35M transfer fee for a 27 year old? Obscene money. No thanks.
    I would prefer us to stick with the youngsters now. The only midfielders we have that I am not keen on are Gibson and Carrick and would like to see all the remaining options rotated, with Cleverley, Ando and Fletch being the main men

  3. I totally agree – completely sick of reading it. It was exactly the same last year with Ozil being the name we read on every website on the planet.

    I would be interested to know other people’s views though as, if I’m being totally honest I am disappointed if we’re definately not in for a quality central midfielder. I agree with a lot that’s been said about the qualities of Cleverley, also Pogba & Morrison coming through. I also admire the idea of bringing youth through & let’s face it Sir Alex has done it before.

    What concerns me though is getting the balance right. You only have to look at Arsenal & citeh to see that no matter how noble the youth policy may be, the money talks & walks in modern day football. In my humble opinion Arsenal are a football club on a different planet to citeh, being one of England’s top 3 of us, them & Liverpool in terms of history & honours. Wenger is a master at finding young quality & bringing it through where citeh have quite blatantly & shamelessly sold what little soul they had for Arabic donations of incomprehensible proportions that has simply placed them in a position of power that they as a club have not had to work for.

    The danger is that the words coming out of United are very similar in terms of wage structures & youth policy.

    Yes, we have bought quality in Jones & Young along with hopefully De Gea. What baffles me beyond belief though is, having acknowledged the qualities of our youth & the very honourable ethos of bringing it through is the fact that we have splashed out over £50 million on 3 players which, if you take out the obvious goal-keeping need was on a centre half & a winger – 2 area’s that were simply not in desperate need of adressing?? In Fergie we certainly do trust but can ANY United fan out there honestly say they’re not equally perplexed with a lot of his decisions? Has anyone yet explained the ratianale behind buying Bebe for close to what Spurs paid for Van Der Vaart??? Obertan – OMG!!

    All these points taken into account along with my existing opinions of our current 1st choice central midfield just leads me to complete dismay as to why we have not adressed this & apparently aren’t going to. I am not jumping on any band wagon when I say that the current boys are quite simply NOT good enough. I’m sick of hearing these opinions trying to lamely justify Alex’s stance. Michael Carrick is average & would not get into the 1st team at ANY of the top 6 or 7 sides. Anderson is somehow a prospect that is never actually going to cut the mustard. Fletcher works hard but, come be honest he will never be a Robbo, Scholesy or a Keane & as with Carrick would not get into a top 6 team outside of United. Exactly the same point would apply to Park. Gibson I also believe is no where near good enough to be chosen for the engine room of a club like us.

    I was reading 2 months ago that Nasri was on his way to us & I was very happy with the idea of that. Evra put his bit in, Fergie is an admirer & Nasri himself was quoted suggesting he would be up for a move to United. Can someone explain where the f**k that one went as now it seems citeh is his destination. Did we just give up? Did we go off him? Did Fergie just come up with the youth policy over night? No – the answer is the fucking Glazers don’t want to stump up the cash & Sir Alex is having to cover up for it with this youth policy smokescreen.

    I feel it’s time fans stopped pussyfooting around the issue & realise that the only answer to these questions is at the desk of a Jewish-American family who is taking a club that is still the biggest money making sports club in the world to the brink of disaster.

    Weigh up our balance sheet since they arrived. In the last 2 seasons we haven’t even re-invested the Ronaldo money for God’s sake.

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