Writing Guidelines for Truly Reds

As we want to have a great Manchester United blog with the best news, stories and reports here is a list of guidelines we have for writers. If you have not applied to have an account, please contact us here.

1. Unique Article: The number one rule for our blog is that any article you create is unique and not copied word for word from another website.

2. Manchester United : Whilst we want writers to write about any subject, it must be concerning Manchester United Football Club in some way.

3. Title : Make a good Title not too long. Attract readers but not be too cryptic.

4. Length :  We highly advise writers to produce content that is over 400 words. Anything less and the story is probably not worth telling unless it is a match preview.

5. Truthful Reports : Unless it is an opinion it should be truthful and accurate. We don’t want to be a website making up reports just to create controversy. Build your reputation and credit other websites.

5. Featured Images : All articles should have a featured image. Where possible try to include a second image further down in the article.

6. Headings : Each section should have a heading and should be formatted that way. Make sure quotes are also separated for ease of reading.

8. Category : All articles need to be placed in the correct category. Please make sure you choose the correct category for your article. Also add any tags to your articles that you feel are relevant.

9. Frequency : We ask writers to write on a consistent basis, after all there will be readers looking to read your work. If you are serious about writing them we advise you to do so at least 2 times per week.

11. Transfer Sources: If you say we are about to sign a player then tell the readers where you seen it otherwise it can be seen as an opinion or worst, fake news.

12. Share Your Article : Be proud of your work so you can share it with friends and family. We will be doing it also. We strongly advise you do the same and market your own article by sharing it wherever possible.