1 thought on “Carrick may have had a gut full…of success!

  1. The answer is simple; if he does not have the hunger for more titles, the coaching staff and SAF should realize this and sell him in the summer as a part cash part exhange for some other attacking midfielder in Europe who has the desire to win medals.

    If this theory is true; then it’s truly silly of that individual, he only has to look at Giggs, Scholes etc. to see their desire to Win more titles. I believe that his poor form recently is NOT due to his lack of desire for more titles but the way Mike Phelan has coordinated their plays as Queiroz may have been a better tactician as compared to Mike Moron……..this is a more plausible Theory.
    .-= UTDfan´s last blog ..Wayne’s in the box seat =-.

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