2 thoughts on “It's now squeaky bum time for United fans

  1. It`s quite disheartening that we can not compete with the likes of Baca, Real, Chelsea and worse still the so called noisy neighbours over top quality players and hide behind vague reason that there`s lack of value in the market.
    What value do we gain from Jack Rodwell that you can not get in David Villa?
    Fagie should tell us the trueth; there`s no money, nothing, we have lost our targeted players to the clubs we are going to face both domestic and international competition.
    Quite often,we have recruited young boys as we continue to reward old guards with extended contracts. when do we give these boys a chance

  2. Sir Alex is making a habit nowadays of telling us all regarding potential transfer targets that ‘it’s not easy in the present climate – the market is very difficult’ but Manchester United do not enter the market for ordinary ‘run-of-the-mill’ players but players who are top class and therefore command high transfer fees. Competing with the likes of Real, Barcelona, Inter, Milan et al is a part of life and if you cannot compete, you will win nothing!
    Now if Sir Alex, either by choice or having his hands tied behind his back, is unwilling/unable to enter the market for top class players then United are going to find the future trophyless and their standing in world football will diminish very quickly.
    United’s forthcoming finance reports will state quite clearly how much money is or has been taken out by the Glazers to pay their PIK debts and this will prove whether Sir Alex is telling the truth or in fact just playing those mind games of his. Personally I hope it’s the latter for if it’s not, the writing as they say, will be clearly on the wall for all to see!
    No doubt all other team’s supporters would relish a decline in Manchester United’s fortunes but it would be very bad for English football in world & european terms but not perhaps on the domestic front.
    On the subject of transfers, Sir Alex needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat in the way of a top class striker to take the weight off Rooney’s shoulders otherwise I can foresee Rooney upping sticks and moving to either Real or Barcelona and why not? If United’s ambition does not continue to meet with his own, Sir Alex will see his best player moving on and that in turn would almost certainly result in SAF ‘falling on his sword’!
    Hopefully all the doom and gloom I am writng will turn out to be utter nonsense and United will once again open the cheque book and buy top class players, return to their best form and win another PL trophy and/or Champions League – but at the present time, the future outlook is not looking good.

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