7 thoughts on “Will the Glazers give Fergie a £100m Xmas present?

  1. Fergie isn’t leaving end of next season, Sir Alex will stay aslong as he wants and with any luck he will be here for several years yet. We have to bring Cleverley back in January. Thank you Fergie and long may you reign.

  2. I can only say Amen to that Andy. One thing is beyond doubt. As you pointed out, Sir Alex will only ever leave when HE wants to – and on his own terms. His health is the only question but his love for a glass of red and a nip of whisky has not done him any harm has it?

  3. Cheer Boss.Yes I believe everything i read and all the sweetners that come out of Old Trafford.I am that gulliable fool!
    History to date as we know average spend per season since the Yanks hostile hijack.£2,050,000, excluding the transfer busting Ronaldo sale average net spend
    £15,000,000.So there is nought to suggest Sir Alex will be given this “imaginary” £100,000,000 war chest.Particularly in January when most quality players that United demand and require will be cup tied, unavialible to play in the Champs league.
    But hang on a minute a flock of flying pigs are gliding past my window, bloody noise they are making Oink Oink.

    Bastian Schweinsteiger, would be magnificent just what we need some steel in the midfield a Roy Keane type to had guts and grit to the often soft middle of the team.I understand he is also flirting him self around the Santiago Bernabeu also.So he will like join his German mates in Ozil and Khedira.

    Maicon Too old any way Gareth Bale sucks him and Lucio.Although with Benitez doing such a fine job with Milan you can see them wanting to stick around.
    Wesley Sneijder is one I would watch here, i know he has just signed a 5 year extension to his contract he would be effing brilliant for United.
    We missed a trick there when he left the Faschists in my opinion.

    Jordan Henderson Have you been in my head when i am dreaming.Purrfect for United.Correct age on the cusp of greatness.Danny Welbeck could be used as a bargaining tool, Big Stevie likes him(So do I) but we could be considered top heavy in the striking department.Can see this as a goer.

    Nando……Thats pure science fiction! I dont no of many players that make that little motorway journey, I think two .Lets talk him up though and make out we are seriously interested then Citeh will make a move the mugs.

    Steven Defour…….Deffo.
    Marek Hamisk………Ditto…

    Karim Benzema, No way we have enough French Trouble makers at Old Trafford, dont we Patrice!.Dont even think that dood was in South Africa.Mind Raymond Domenech is a class act, so be guided bye him…..Dont you think!

    David d Gea…..Jaysus If I see any more Goalkeepers linked with United and have to read the article am gonna scream. Oink Oink.

  4. It is very hard to believe that our gaffer has 100M to splurge on players. If there is one player I think from the list who should come at all cost is bastian. He will be the perfect fit to an otherwise soft midfield. I am not sure why Ferguson still plays Carrick. For Carrick to thrive he needs two defensive midfielders behind him. that is how vulnerable he is. We should let Cleverly on the scene and let Carrick go. With Anderson and Bastian and Cleverly or Scholes, we should be alright for now. There is a second player we need… to replace Evans… Pique should not be allowed to go… anyway… just my thought… sigh

  5. It’s amazing how every single person who comments knows full well that the midfield is the area that needs to be looked at! NOT the strike force, NOT the defence, NOT in goals while Edwin is still there. Sadly Pique was always going to go home and there was nothing Sir Alex could have done.

  6. Why do you insist on coveting nando ?? you scum seem to think the whole footy world hangs on your every word . take a look at yourselves, NO ONE OUTSIDE THE SALFORD SLUMS CARES !!! stick to your own shite and watch out for the cobbles you narrow minded arse. YNWA , then , now , and future .

  7. Calm down skipper and please read again! Nobody at United believes this gossip BUT it’s what’s being reported whether you, I or anyone else believes it. By the way, I thought that YNWA – Yanks Never Welcome Again, went out with Hicks and Gillett. I’m obviously wrong, it must be in preparation for the coming battle with the new Yanks at Anfield!

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