8 thoughts on “United greats agree: 19th title there for the taking

  1. Yes of course we can win it, it would be throwing in the towel to think other wise.We havent hit top form apart from the Blackburn game, but have hung in there.Often on the ropes but never knocked out.
    I agree totally with Andy Ritchie regards the importance of keeping the defence safe from injury and not rotating for the hell of it.We would have secured the 19th last season had it not been for the injuries and lack of seeing Rio and Nemanja at the centre of the defence on a regular basis, the Fulham away game as the prime example..Rafael is learning and improving each game and is making lesser mistakes and therefore will be a stalwart in the back four, as ever with the experienced Patrice.
    I gotta ask Mickey Thomas can I have some of your Welsh positive drugs?!Champions league winners Eh?We will need more than a lot of positivity to win that tournament.He clearly does not watch La liga and Barcelona.I know they were held(2nd 11) on Tuesday against a poor parking the Bus Side at the Camp nou.Heavens they are awesome and very strong on all area’s of the side.
    Gary Pallister is bang on the money, we might get to the Champions league final with good draws after the Olympique de Marseille game.

  2. @ The skipper, you have a lot of meat references in that highly articulate post.Clearly you are in Mensa, should be in a loonie bin.
    For your benifit as you like “Meat” My butcher said to me what would you like for Christmas, I pondered what do you have? I have Turkeys and a single Woodcock.
    Naturally I replied, no I have had a Woodcock, but got some creme so its all cleared up now. “Just give me a Chicken”

  3. mm i think you’ll find sam the baconface lapdog , gave you COBBLEPLODING PIGEONEATERS that game ,fearing the wrath of the bacon !!!! YNWA

  4. Are you sober skipper? Bacon, lapdog, pigeon? It’s not Christmas yet so why are you already pissed? YNWA…You’ll Never Win Anything!

  5. YEP ,ALL OFFAL,JUST LIKE THE THE SWAMP DWELLERS ! dont need to be pissed to see that the future is just that…… the future ! , can you please give me the winning lottery numbers oh mystic ( septic ) one as you seem to be some sort of seer, soothsayer , voodoo chile , tealeaf reader, etc etc ! NOBS,
    YNWA , thats you’ll never walk alone, past present and future !! unlike the rent-a-hoodie mobsters of trafford !

  6. My crystal ball is very, very clear skipper. Liverpool are heading for the lower divisions – YNWA (You’ll Never Wank Alone)

  7. No doubt at all, we’ll win the EPL, 2 games behind and still top of the league, curently, am enjoying the words from the haters 😀

  8. We can win the title but we have to stay focused and not make any silly mistakes in defence.I think our Rivals sort of know we havnt hit full throttle yet and are waitin for us to blast away,Fergie is a Master at this time of year and the players know what is expected of them, lets not get carried away and all that crap,theres a fair way to go,but Captain Ferguson is steering the good ship on a steady course,Happy Xmas Yaal!

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