18 thoughts on “Will David Silva join us on January?

  1. how wouldnt see david silva at man u he is fast and skill full just like messi may be better i think that

  2. he wud rather join liverpool it’s the media the turn the words around all what he is saying is that man u are a big club

  3. Man United are the biggest team in England.. and we dont need the media to say that we are big… Liverpool wont win a thing this season… cheers!

  4. david silva at man utd,,, get real,, its either a move to real or liverpool, its clear that if liverpool could afford him hed be at the merseyside club already,,, what a load of crap you utd fans are, we are sick of you in valencia, if we like anyone its liverpool or arsenal,,, they have heart, your just so over the top about your club, thinking our two davids would join you. also you think you get david villa, he to would rather join chelsea or liverpool after trying to move to barca. get stuffed man utd, your not liked over here. adios….

  5. samuel charles… Are you having a go at the club or the fans who have posted messages on this subject? Besides, who cares if they would prefer to join Chelsea, Liverpool or Arsenal!? They’ve barely won anything between them for a long time! I can’t understand your hatred for Utd over there. Most of this news is simply tabloid rhumours. it’s the press that give Utd a bad name or at least help towards people’s hate for the club. But we all know where the hate really comes from… It’s cos Utd win so much and everybody else is merely jealous. Now I’m not arrogant about how much my team has won, and never will be, but it’s people like you who I can’t resist mentioning it to, as it’s obvious you are just jelous of our success when your club is hardly succesful at all. And I myself am not a jealous kind of person. If somebody deserves to beat Utd to a trophy or league then fair play to them, but until Valencia actually do something in the Champions League, or indeed their own league there is nothing you can say to hide your abject jealousy and bitterness. You’re only giving your fellow supporters in Spain bad press and merely fueling a British dislike that would be based on true meaning and not just petty jealousy and bitter entanglements. It’s fans like you that ruin the sport. And not only that but this is a Utd supporters website. if you wish to air your dirty linen in public then do it on your own damn supporters website.

  6. P.S Samuel. How stupid would you feel for posting your message if they do end up signing for Utd!? Pretty stupid! Oh, and one more thing, Utd as a club don’t speculate or reveal information about the signings they hope to make. They talk about them when it’s actually happened. So stop blaming the club, blame the damn awful British press. Either way you’re gonna lose them both, so live with it!

  7. @Oly E: You are right man… I kept Samuel comment so our fans see how others are jealous from us..

    I hope to see both players with us soon

    cheers mate

  8. If it’s true, that Sir Alex Ferguson is serious about signing David Villa? i am sure Valencia and Liverpool fans he will get his target? My only fear is Barcelona making a bid and Villa will agree to join. But the good news for all United fans is that Barcelona wants Robinho to replace Henry and Robinho wants to join Barca? Villa will join Man U!

  9. Re: Shahid. Mate i totally agree with your comments regarding Man Utd chances to sign David Villa! Barca and Robinho definetly want each other, Chelsea are tracking Aguero, Liverpool are skint, Real have bought the whole lot and Man City have the money but no history nor CL league football? The way is clear for Fergie to get his man!

  10. If Sir Alex Ferguson seriously wants to sign David Villa. I am sure United will get their man? I think Barca are a threat to any Utd/Villa deal, but they seem intrested in Robinho replacing Henry and Robinho wants to join them. Chelsea are tracking Aguero, Real have bought everyone and are after Ribery, Liverpool don’t have those kind of funds and City have the money but no history nor CL football! The way is clear for Fergie if he wants Villa??

  11. Please please please please if Ferguson you are reading this Plz sign David Silva and David Villa in January because Man Utd needs goals in order to win titles and we cant rely on only Rooney to score goals because goals have to come from various sources and these two are the right players for Man Utd.what if Rooney’s injured??So Plz Plz sign David Silva and David Villa and Plz sign both of them,sign them and goals will keep coming for Man Utd. So i hope ill see these two players in the Man Utd squad in January

  12. Adding to my comment earlier again, why would Villa even want to sign for Liverpool!? They may have beaten us last week but they’re going knowhere fast. If they lose Gerrard and Torres at the same time they crumble. An exmaple of that is their loss to Fulham the weekend just gone. No Gerrard first, then they took off Torres and it all went tits up.

    It’s obvious Benitez doesn’t have the skill Fergie has for building a succesful squad. Most of his backup squad players aren’t anywhere near the level of Rafael and Fabio (or Rafio as I call them!), Evans, Brown, Anderson, Fletcher, Owen, or even, as we’re speaking about it, Scholes. Who has now become a squad player due to his age of course. And with Hargreeves hopefully fit soon it makes our squad players look like kings in a Roman colloseum, overlooking Liverpool’s subs, who are battling it out getting limbs bitten off by a lion in the pit! And people can go on and on about budget for players, but think about it, how many times has Ferguson actually broken the bank heavily to sign a player? It’s not that often if anyone thinks about it… Solskjaer for example,signed for very little and won us the league many times and the European cup! Fergie is a very shrewd business man, which Rafa isn’t.

    So yeah, if Villa doesn’t sign, he doesn’t sign. But if he goes to Liverpool then he’s only foregoing the chance of winning a league title. Because, lets face it, Liverpool need a miracle to win a title any time soon. Players are always joining Liverpool because of the club’s heritage, however, they’ve hardly done a thing for 18 years! They may have won the Champions league once in that time, but other than a few FA cups and League cups that’s all they have to show in the entire 17, nearly 18, years the Premier league has been in existence. For such an apprently ‘huge club in world football’ they haven’t really achieved as much as the title suggests over the last 17 years. Take Newcastle for example, where did they go? Everone banged on about them being a big club, but, other than the famous title race with Utd they’ve done nothing at all! The biggest thing that has happened to them since the Premier League began happened last season… They got relegated…

    So until these so called ‘big clubs’, (inc. Man City, with 5 draws on the bounce, apparently!) actually do something, we can sleep well at night knowing the bitterness and rage other fans show towards Utd is simply jealousy, and ugly jealousy at that, uncovering their inner regret at supporting a team that never lives up to it’s apparently sterling reputation in the league. So I’m sat here in my ‘GIGGS 11, GERRARD 0’ t-shirt keeping my fingers firmly crossed that Utd can win another title this season, and over take Liverpool in the title table. Thus finally proving who the most historic team in England actually are via evidential mathematics.

    And yeah ‘Big Boss’, lets hope both are with us soon and we can wipe the undeserved, smug grin off the other fans faces who hate Utd and believe they will never sign for us.

    Oh, one more thing, Utd aren’t playing at their best at the moment but are still right up there with Chelsea, so once they do hit form watch out Premier League! Utd always play well in the second half the season… ;o)

  13. Responding to media reports, this January Man Utd look set to try and sign either David Villa or David Silva. But as a United supporter i want to ask my fellow United followers which David does the team need most at OT? As most United fans i think and hope we bring in both. But if SAF was to sign one who would you perfer it to be?

  14. Ian Smith: Villa is a much more proven player and goal scorer, with an impecable scoring record. He is already established as one of the best strikers in Europe, wheras Silva is and up-and-coming player with great potential. I think Silva has the promiseof becoming a great player but Villa is already proven and I think that’s what Utd need, a proven player who can (hopefully) settle in quickly and get goals. I’d be quite happy for both players to come to OT, but Villa would be my vote if we had to choose.

  15. RE: Oly E. Thanks for your opinion mate. You made great sense. I have no doubt Fergie wants David Villa, but at the right price. I just hope Man Utd can agree a deal with Valencia this january? If we leave it till the summer and Villa has a great world cup, his price tag would go crazy and he’ll end up at Real then! Same goes for Silva!

  16. RE: Ian Smith and Olay E. As a Man Utd fan i also hope and pray that Fergie signs both Villa and Silva. I would also go for David Villa the guy is just awesome and he would definetly bring back the fear factor that Ronaldo had when teams faced us! But for team requirements Saf, might decide to sign Silva (23) instead and Aguero cos he’s(22) and what a talent!.

  17. RE: Imran. I agree this january Saf might decide to sign David Silva instead of Villa. It could be that Saf has his sights on Sergio Aguero (22) but will have to wait till the summer because he is CL cup tied. Fingers cross hope he gets David Villa, but if not it’s not the end of the world. Aguero would be just as menacing!.

  18. I completely forgot about Aguero till I saw his two goals this week! He’s an excellent player with top pedigree and is well written about in the press on a regular basis. I think he could light up the Premier League. Esp at United. But yeah, don’t want him cup tied for the CH League so best they go for him at the end of the summer, if indeed SAF is interested of course. I hope Valencia don’t want ridiculous money for Villa, because although he is very proven and quite clearly a world class player, he’s nearly 28 now. And that’s not young in football years these days! So I think if they go on about prices above the 25-30 million mark then Fergie might unfortunately pull out. But then again, if he can strike up a clever, money-saving double swoop for Villa and Silva then great. Perhaps Nani might be used to sweeten the deal… As he really hasn’t reached anywhere near the potential we thought he had when he joined. Obertan already looks more likely to fill the left midfield role. Because I must admit, being at the Blackburn game last weekend I was impressed with his dexterity, strength and control. He’s definately got potential to be a great player. Even if he did miss a goal my cat could have put in with a blind-fold on and a carrot lodged up it’s rear end! Though, depending on how SAF would wanna use him, Silva may just take up the left midfield role if Fergie decides to go for in for him officially… Who knows! Let’s keep out fingers and toes crossed and hope, for once, that Fergie decides to buy in January… We need a player with a fear factor.

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