6 thoughts on “Hammers defeat may be just what United needed

  1. NOTE “…fielding what can only be described as a second string line up against a desperately committed West Ham” (who were also a second string line up)

  2. MICKEY MOUSE CUP??? THIS IS WHAT WE NEED????…. Come on my friend!!!!… We’re the cup holder, and losing 4-0 is awful really…


    BUT, LETS BE HONEST TO YOURSELF. The fact is, yet again our so called ‘kids’ and reserves prove they aren’t and never will be good enough for our great club like Man. United. How can we paid money to sign players like Obertan, Bebe, etc. How can we justify paying more for Bebe than spurs did for Van Der Vaart?!! Smalling is struggling to adapt to the pressure of playing for us, Evans’s poor and his form has gone backwards comparing to the last season.

    For John O’Shea in particular, words cannot describe how bad he really is. O’Shea may be a versatile player. He can play in many position, but any position he play, it’s a bad quality performance.

    YES!!!.. We are currently top of the league. However, it’s simply because Chelsea throwing away points rather than anything else. I wish SAF realises our young squad isn’t going to be as good as he hoped sooner rather than later. And the BOTTOM LINE IS… signing top class players is A MUST for United now.

  3. Gazzaro mate, calm down, were you around to see the “Djemba-Djemba Years”? It’s been worse, and we’ve recovered. Yes, O’Shea looks abysmal (jack of all trades, master of nothing), Evans has gone backwards and Fletcher has lost form too, but signing a top class player isn’t always the answer. Life isn’t a game of Football Manager. I was even expecting you to say, “We won’t win owt with kids”……

  4. Let us never forget that SAF picks the team. That team last night just did not turn up. Never again can the manchester united fans chant ‘southern softies’ after that display last night. The team, selected by SAF, was abysmal!

    Johnny Evans and O’Shea, need to be transfer listed immediately.O’Shea’s distribution was juvenile. Evan’s defending disgraceful. The midfield was woeful, apart from Anderson who did try. Fletcher and Giggs were just making up the numbers.

    Macheda, Bebe and any one of the Brazilian twins need to be loaned out for them to get more matches under their belt.

    But not only the team but the tactics. WHY has Giggs got to take every corner and free kick? Why are we so one dimensional. After that 7-1 victory this was the last thing united needed.

    Sorry SAF needs to apologise to all those fans who travelled down, in this ghastly weather, and who deserved better. I didn’t notice ONE Manchester United player or official thank the supporters.

    Congratulations to West Ham they truly were the better side and played superior football.

  5. laffin my bollocks off. go on frank……………….edit that you sycophantic loser.
    see you can cut and paste , oh , and edit !!! , but can you dodge the cobbles long enough to see the writing on the wall , look around the crumbling edifice in the salford slums hahaha. but no doubt you’ll be in denial, and come up wIth some lofty wordsmithery to aid your arselickin headnoddin pigeoneatin descent to mediocrity. oh , did i say LAFFIN MY BOLLOCKS OFF .

  6. What a highly intelligent comment skipper! Why should I edit it and spoil such pearls of wisdom?

    @John Russell, yes mate, the Hammers were depleted by injuries which was acknowledged

    @Gazzaro, do you remember the 0-3 Carling Cup thumping at Villa Park in October 1999 before beating Arsenal for the title by 18 points? As for Chelsea throwing away points this season, what did United do at Everton and Fulham?

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