4 thoughts on “He’s Not The Messiah, He’s A Very Naughty Boy

  1. A utterly brilliant read!Lacks charisma and man management skills and motivational nouce.Benitez.Round pegs round holes.
    And yet our dearest neighbours are still calling for his reinstating.One champions league success and a reappearance in the final.The most knowledgable Liverpool supporters could see in a very short period of time he was a weak manager with limited ability in the transfer market.
    They must be crying in their Lager’s and sweet Sherries now seeing Alonso and Mascherano, Bellamy,Crouch,Keane, departed to see the likes of Aquilani,Johnson,Dossena Riera,Babel,Leiva either “entertain” them or dissapear into the non existent Liverpool dream.

  2. Cheers mate, much appreciated!

    You’re spot on about the transfers, I’ve often said that, although Benitez’s net spending figures weren’t that high in the end, the problem was that when he was given a lot of money to buy a top player, he often made a complete hash of it (think Robbie Keane, think Aquilani).

    And I also remember a newspaper article a while back showing Benitez’s net spend figure over his years at Anfield. For the first few seasons his net spend was quite high, and then it dropped off towards the end and tended to be breaking even. What that says to me is that early on he adopted an aggresive strategy, spending a lot of money hoping to win trophies (as you would), and it didn’t work, so he had to cut down on the spending. Had he spent that money better in the early days, perhaps more money would have been available in the future because they’d have actually been winning things.

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