5 thoughts on “van der Sar hints that 'One More Year' may be on

  1. That would be utterly fantastic if Edwin stays, clearly World class in everything he has done for the Club.
    Could not agree more, the talk and gossip of Goalkeepers linked to United is mind blowing and now begining to hurt my eyes and memory of whom where and why!
    If a player is not full hearted in wanting to play for Manchester United, with no reservations, it cant happen,its just buying trouble and potential unrest in a happy environment at United.
    PS, Gave, Truly Reds a wee shout on the “Best United “football blog on EPL talk.
    Bleeding computer problems.lol

  2. @Murty ano mate, it was the smile he was making when Sir Alex said it,suggesting to me he already has someone lined up, if not signed.
    Enjoy the El Farsico, about to start

  3. Since Neuer seems to be a non starter, the most likely replacement seems to be De Gea, according to the media (although I would prefer Akinfeev). Since De Gea is just 20 years old he is lacking a lot of experience which would make it ideal for Utd to keep VDS on the books for one more year to mentor De Gea, who would undobtly benefit immensly from such an arrangement.

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