3 thoughts on “Ferguson roll of the dice at Anfield

  1. that just about sums it up – we’re not performing – the midfield is a big worry. I said it a million times since the start of the season that we’re not dominating midfield and while we’re getting away with it now it won’t be long before we’re going to suffer because of it.

  2. I feel we need stability. There is too much chop and change going on right now. Fletcher,Giggs and Park need more games to get match sharpness and the form again.Anderson’s playing pretty very well but is prone to one or two poor games. Carrick had a good game against Otelul and he takes time to get his form.I am waiting for the return of Cleverly. We have all forgotten Gibson I suppose but after his performances last season I don’t think we would remember much of him. Lol.At the moment there is no use thinking if we need to strengthen our midfield or not because I doubt we will sign anyone in January.What candidates are available anyways?

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