8 thoughts on “The big debate: David de Gea vs. Anders Lindegaard

  1. tough 1 2 call but id agree wt u in de gea, da boy oozes natural talent jus needs sum steroids n an english dicti0nary n hel b up n runnin, nt jus da future of da great man united bt also 4 da spanish national syd.

  2. Great job! Nevertheless i think Anders would be the first choice at least for th rest of the seasson and then we can evaluate how ddg is doing

  3. Excellent article, and I agree with your choice. De Gea just feels better, especially after Lindegaard’s performance against Citeh.

  4. well that was a nice statistical work,but do not forget that Andres most matches were when the midfield and the back four was a total jerk and mess,yet he had managed to keep up most clean sheet and classic saves unlike Da gea who enjoyd greater shield of midfield and defence in most of his matches..well to me Andres should be there while Da gea learn from him

  5. I’d just about opt for De Gea too. It’s amazing that a side a big as United don’t yet know who their first choice goalkeeper is. It’d be interesting for someone in the press to ask SAF the question and see what his response will be. Personally I’d opt for De Gea against Bolton as the lad needs to build his confidence. I’m not overly concerned with the goal’s he’s leaked – i think it’s more that the press have jumped all over his errors – some of which have been very minor compared to blunders from Peter Cech and Pepe Reina this season.

  6. VDS was 34 when he came to United and if he wouldnt be determinated to end career for wife’s sake, he’ll still be United No. 1 goalkeeper. With being 41 years old. So “At 28, he is fast approaching the peak of his career” is bullshit

    In fist matches of the season (with de Gea) we conceded lot of shots because of defence (no rio and vida) and midfield (more attacking then defending) and if you ask me, Lindegaard would catch them too because lot of them were from long-range (lot of oppononets just kick the ball because of de gea’s poor saving from large distance).

  7. I think it’s a great article and as you can see it has prompted some debate here so well done. I guess I am as clueless as most on who our first choice keeper is. Both have made mistakes and both have not looked quite as assured as what we are accustomed to. We might just be in transition but that could apply to the whole squad. In 99 when Schmeichel left, Sir Alex had to go through so many different choices before he got Van Der Sar. At that time we managed to paper over the uncertainty in goal because we had a strong, steady and settled team elsewhere. So we still won trophies till 2003 before we went into transition.

    The point is that maybe this season we might not be able to get away with the lack of a certain choice in goal. De Gea is very young and goalkeepers are a special breed who can last longer than outfield players so if he makes it, he can be our first choice for many years to come. But his deficiencies are well documented; lack of physical stature,poor command of the language.

    Lindegaard I feel is a steadier choice because he has greater experience being older and can communicate in English but he has looked shaky since he shipped in 3 goals against Newcastle. At the moment, I feel that Sir Alex’s vote is for the Dane as the first choice.

    Honestly I wasn’t too pleased to know that United bought De Gea in the summer because even then one could see his physique and language could pose a problem. I would have preferred Manuel Neuer but he preferred to stay in Germany.

    Moving forward, if De Gea doesn’t work, (let’s face it players can’t take too much time to settle in at a big club like United) then perhaps a swap with Roma would do both us, them and the respective keepers a world of good. We would get an experienced and established Dutch international in Stekelenburg who can communicate in English, is big, tall and strong while Roma will get De Gea who will have lesser to deal with in terms of aerial bombardment in Italy and he will be closer to his own culture and style of play under a fellow Spaniard as a manager.

    Let’s see what the future holds but I am sure Sir Alex will keep faith with De Gea but he needs to bulk up quick and learn the language.

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