2 thoughts on “Pep Talks: Guardiola to replace Sir Alex Ferguson?

  1. 1. Mourinho
    He’d be my first choice but he brings a negativity, can’t really explain it, look at Madrid, with the stars they have they should be the Galaticos Part II, but Jose’s style has them seen as the arch enemy or villain, the bad guy to the saintly Barca (which we all know Barca are not saints, divers, but not saints.) OR is this the year Real Madrid evolve into the Galaticos or was that last year??
    2. Guardiola
    Is he the mastermind of Barca’s success or is it the players? Will Pep’s weaknesses show with United since we lack a Messi, a Xavi, an Iniesta, a Busquets, a Cesc? The King of tiki-tak may be lost in a crowd of footballers who think that tic-tac’s are mouth mints and not tiki-tak futbol.

  2. pep is great and he can do like sir alex…i mean sir alex care about the youth players and pep also caring about the youth bloods so i think there is some similar things as youth , tactics i think he will be the best choice after Sir Alex Ferguson!

    Glory Glory Man united!

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