5 thoughts on “A 'Little Pea' in the large Manchester United pod

  1. Let’s not forget your other Eric. Djemba-Djemba also went to the FIFA World Cup (2002). You signed him in 2003 for £3.5m I think. Great bit of business

  2. Hello there white rose, always nice to have lower league football represented on here. May I be the first to thank Howard Wilkinson and Leeds Utd football club for delivering the King to Old Trafford and all the subsequent success that has arisen since. Most decent of you I have to say 🙂

  3. Lower League maybe…but not for much longer.

    The Mighty Whites are on their way back – get ready !

  4. what you boys over there on the dark side don’t realize is the best bit of buisness that weirdo Ferguson did was to sell Gordon Strachan to Leeds for 300,000 thankyou,thankyou,thankyou and the 29 million ha yes 29 million for plug, sorry Ferninand !!!!

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