10 thoughts on “"No club like United" and then he signs for Spurs

  1. First off,although he said that about United,our club did not deem it as market value since they did not bid for him,would you agree ?? Second off,since United stay put,was he wrong to move to spurs in the situation he was in at Madrid ?? Third off,what was right,him staying and not playing,or choose the second or third best options apart from United,even though admittedly,he or his agent tried to get United interested ?? AND FOURTH OFF,is it the first time that SAF said something and then did the opposite ?????????????

  2. 1st Bebe is young and has the full potential of becoming a great player..2nd Man United was not interested to sign a 27 year old midfielder, as we have the likes of Scholes and Gibson in the squad..3rd if United was suppose to buy Van Der Vaart then it would not be £8 millions that we would have spent but more..signing with the spurs showed that van der vaart was desperate for a club to sign him

  3. VDV may have fancied an Old Trafford move, but obviously Ferguson didn’t. United’s current signing policy is youth. VDV is 27 and would play for us for, say, three or four years. After which he has little market value due to his age (potentially). The club only sign players they feel they can get the best of and sell on for a reasonable return (after getting stung with the likes of Veron, Kleberson etc)

    Also… how would he then fit into the 25 man squad rule? Arguably, he could take Hargreaves’ place, but obviously United reckon he’ll be back playing this year and didn’t feel it was worth the punt.

    Honestly, these blogs are as bad as the press with this stuff. “We didn’t sign anyone, we’re going to FAIL”… no… Chelsea didn’t sign anyone… Arsenal didn’t sign anyone… we didn’t sign anyone. Big deal, we’ve got a large squad with cover in all the right places.

  4. He came out very shortly after that original statement was released and denied every making it. He then pledged he’d be happy to stay at Real and fight for a spot.

    So he never said anything about United, at least not on record.

  5. It appears that the point of this story has been missed. The first paragraph asks the question whether anyone can really believe what players are quoted as saying any more because the words they use are usually put into their mouths by agents tying to solicit an offer for their client. That point is then reinforced in the last par.

  6. Sir Alex didnt want VdV, Utd have a youth policy when comes to deals and wouldnt sign ppl above 26 unless its a special talent like Berba (which VdV aint). The lad aint value for money at the price we would hadda pay, tottenham got him for £8m at the last minute, Utd thou would of hadda pay atleast twice that amount as quoted (Munich was told £18m)…as it is, we don’t need him, we’ve got better midfielders then him in Giggs, Scholes, Nani, Fletcher and Anderson.

  7. He came out and said he never made the original quote. Will no one acknowledge this? It seems a rather major point

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