10 thoughts on “Rise of the Dead…Nearly for those in the Blue half

  1. Thought bringing on Scholes was a terrible idea. He may have kept in shape, but he hadn’t played in 6 months. I love the guy but once Scolesy came on, the others passed to him at every opportunity – even when he was marked and they weren’t. It slowed our game down, gave City the impression we were settling for what we’d got and they took advantage. And taking Wellbeck off for Anderson who wasn’t match fit copperfastened that idea. Left us without pace and no threat. At 3-1 we had recovered well from letting in the Kolarov goal, and were more likely to score – if we’d gone for it. But Fergie was paranoid after the 6-1. No need, different game – they were down to ten and tiring – not us. In the end our caution nearly did for us anyway. Strange, a victory, but not as sweet as it should have been. We should have fucking hammered them.

  2. How was it desperation when Paul Scholes reappeared? The ‘LOYAL’ singing away support at the Etihad did not think that.Applauded loudly. There is only ‘ one’ he scores goals.
    This has been an absolute punk week up until today at United.
    Two defeats , negativity reigning supreme.
    Ridiculing the manager and missing the point, as normal with United fans. That have a lot of knowledge regards the football.Limited with Uniteds finances. One writer on the Truly Reds siding with the manager is a liar article.How base and crap is that ‘Truly’.
    To be a liar means QUOTE dictionary, you are not to be trusted and will not tell the truth.If this is the case of a leader, should the mere followers not ask for him to be dismissed from his post.Liar= untrustworthy.Sack Sir Alex Ferguson.You will have a fight on your hands. United would have plunged into darkness long before other that our ‘magnificent ‘ boss, my hero.
    Aim your weapons and anger at the Glazer, they are the root cause, dont knock of the pretty flowers, because you dont approve of the overall plant. There are many webs and threads to United as we all know.I support United through thick and thin.Not a fair weather fan. Although I have only witnessed good times as a younger United fan.I however spend ages and scroll through Uniteds finances and am determined to fully grasp the dillema and the corkscrew spiral we are on. Due to the Glazer. Remember Sir Alex Ferguson never put United on the open stock exchange, were you are always likely to a hostile take over bid.As happened, due to the stalking of the Glazer.Nothing if you know your history due to horse junk.
    He is my ‘ Hero ‘ and he answered all his critics as did Wayne Rooney, the 9th top ten goal scorer ever in Uniteds history.
    You either support United or you dont.
    Thank you Paul Scholes the best ever premiership midfielder and likely the world. Coming to our great clubs rescue, and he asked to play.That loyalty and being ‘Faithful’.

  3. @ Tommy Doc hope you can keep it in yer trousers mate.
    Tell me what was Pauls passing rate of the 77 he made. ONE ERROR.Therefore 97% passing success.

  4. Yeah what a well balanced view and report. Applauds and adds nothing to the debate. Brilliant.
    Night night.

  5. Great read, thought it wasnt a red card, yellow at most, but at the end of the day you guys get through not us.

    Good post

  6. Universal condemnation of the red card.

    without that you’d have been destroyed.

    some victory. deep down you know you’re screwed.

  7. Nicely balanced view. I am disappointed that we lost but immensely proud of the effort we put in during the second half. Unfortunately, Chris Foy will once again draw all the headlines for some poor decisions on both sides but, overall, it was another thrilling game between the two teams and I think there’s going to be a lot more to come over the next few years.

  8. top read. we were unlucky but think the right team won in the end. absolutly gutted, (would want to beat united at tiddlywinks, mouse hunt and chess so obviously this hurts) but this allows us to focus on league cup & league.

    fans did us proud anyway. up the blues

  9. @RedScot, I agree that Scholesy is a legend and anyone supporting United can NEVER forget what he has done for United and @TommyDoc he only made one error man, give him a break mate. Haha. But @TommyDoc I do agree that we should have pushed on to score as we were more than capable of scoring (as seen in the first half). It was a perfect opportunity to avenge our 6-1 drubbing. I don’t think Nani should have been brought off so soon and if Welbeck was to be brought off, it should be for Hernandez.

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