70 thoughts on “United gives Michael Owen what Liverpool couldn't

  1. Are you sober Carl? You must have been drowning your sorrow all night at losing what you always assumed to be an ‘unbeatable’ record. Here’s a word of advice pal – GET USED TO IT!

  2. If it is 3am in your timezone(probably not if you are manc) I am not even a Liverpool fan. English football is garbage. They will probably catch up and top you once again in a few years. By the way your “jouranlistic” skills are hilariously sub par. Did you get your inspiration from Rupurt Murdoch?

  3. Everyone wanna talk about the dodgy penalty at Blackburn but it’s funny that the foul on Valencia which was a clear penalty is swept under the rug. Oh and the Howard Webb stuff is comical seeing he tried to fuck United over in the Chelsea match at Old Trafford, i guess Atkinson didn’t give him enough pointers in cheating United.

    19 League Title and that’s a FACT!

  4. Some moron said united are in liverpool’s shadow.Hahaha what a delusional cunt you are?
    You guys (liverfools)live in past and still think its 1989.Wake up its 2011.Learn to give the credit where its due.We Manchester united have been brilliant for last 15-20 years and we have dominated the english football and have also done very well in europe.
    You guys lost all you respect when you cheered for chelsea at anfield last season.You guys will win nothing because your goal every season is to just beat manchester united.You play like its your cup final.Just 3 or 4 continious win when the season is finished doesnt make you a better club.You are still the same and will be the same.Enjoy your thursday night footbals.

  5. Michael Who?? Buahahahahahahahahahahahaah
    THis is the most bizarre pice of business I’ve ever read for years to come…..
    Finally Did Michael got his medal? HAhahahahahahahaahhahsa
    Interesting, if Michael got his medal and He crowned “champion”, I whould suppose that any Man Utd season ticket holder will receive a medal excatly as Michael Owen…
    Meanwhile totally agree with my fellow mate Carl: You’re truly sad individuals, totally obsessed from Liverpool Football Club aura of greatness.
    Also in the moment of success, a moment in which You should only think to celebrate your team, your first aim is LFC.
    You’re a band of pathetic supposed “fans”, but for me there’s nothing worst of Utd Fans in England, although I have some english friends Who support United.

  6. Owen hardly kick a ball for ManU this season and he’s collecting his winners’ medal, enough said!

  7. @Tom Addison, Morning mate, great post as ever from you.I know what you mean regards the debate regards the qualities of the different managers Sir Alex, Bob Paisley, Bill Shankly(rip both) Bella whover and thon Portuguese fellow lol.
    Its interesting and I guess history.Somebody trimmed my wings elsewhere on this subject and suggested I need to learn……which I duly am about to do, having purchased through Amazon a book (autobiography) on Brian Clough.Bed time reading.Eager to learn, like our Boss.
    Anyhow the article was in principle as you know about Micheal Owen and I for one am delighted he achieved his goal of collecting if you like his ‘Plastic medal'(Cheers King Kenny).
    I see you had a pop at me on the EPL talk site calling me a ‘legend’…Cheeky nerd.Same old Arsenal always cheating.
    God Bless mate, have a great day, till we meet again.
    @Frank…..Yer no ‘Rupurt’ Murdoch are ye Boss.lmao, all good fun!
    Jinky Johnstone on the wing…..
    Off to the Church.

  8. Liverpool was the most successful club in league titles for 37 years. Manure won’t last 37 months before Liverpool take back their rightful crown. And if the European Cup was so easy in the old days why didn’t the great Busby and Best and Charlton win 4 in 8 years like Liverpool did? Because there weren’t as good as the great Liverpool teams, that’s why.

    Real, Milan, Bayern, Ajax and Liverpool were the real kings who dominated Europe in their glory days. Man Utd pick up the odd one here and there, like mighty Porto.

  9. @kc, the Premier League rules states that “A player needs to appear in 10 matches in a title winning season to qualify for a medal – inclusive of matches as a playing substitute” Owen is therefore entitled to a winners medal as much as anyone, I go even further. With the recently introduced rule by the Premier League making it mandatory for clubs to name a 25 man squad, every one of those members should be entitled to a medal whether they play the required number of games or not.

    It should also put a stop to all arguments – and club fines, for any manager selecting a so called ‘second string’ line up. The League cannot have it both ways, as long as a player is included in the required named squad, he should be classed as an equal to any other – but that’s a different subject which will be raised at another time.

  10. There have been many predictions like yours from Liverpool fans in the last 20 years Allan – ALL OF THEM WRONG! Let’s wait 37 months shall we? Incidentally, Liverpools ‘Glory Days’ have been long gone mate. Maybe you guys should start thinking about the future – like a 2011 type, modern stadium like Arsenal did instead of concentrating on getting back on the perch.

  11. Manchester United=Past present future
    Loserpool=Past past past
    Spot the difference you deluded fans.
    One more thing
    MANCHESTER UNITED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>liverpool
    Enough said


    Spaghetti-legged Traore gave away a stupid free-kick in the first minute of the 2005 Champions League final, from which Milan got their first goal. Traore atoned for this later on with a crucial goal line clearance and, when Liverpool went on to lift the trophy, Kopites were willing to forgive the highly questionable performances Djimi had put in during his time at Anfield (including that shocking own goal at Burnley). Traore has now gone down in popular legend as probably the worst player to appear in and win a Champions League final.


    Spaniard Antonio Nunez joined Liverpool as part of the deal that took Michael Owen to Real Madrid, but he wasn’t quite the key player Owen had been at Anfield. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Nunez is the only player in Liverpool history to score his only goal in a cup final (a sitter from two yards in the 2005 League Cup final defeat to Chelsea); Nunez was crap. His key contribution to the 2005 Champions League success was coming on as a late substitute in the semi against Chelsea and keeping the ball in the corner for a few crucial seconds to waste time. As an unused sub in the final, Nunez still picked up a winner’s medal.


    The man with a name that looks like a Countdown Conundrum, Pegguy Arphexad is the only man to win three League Cup medals without playing a single second, having appeared as a substitute for Leicester in 2000 and Liverpool in 2001 and 2003. In fact, Arphexad also won FA Cup, UEFA Cup, European Super Cup and Community Shield winner’s medals without ever playing a game during his time at Anfield. He certainly wouldn’t begrudge Michael Owen that Premier League medal!
    What was the point again?

  13. @RedScot: Glad to hear from you pal. Yeah I’ve read Cloughie’s autobiography as well, brilliant book, arguably one of the top three football autobiographies out there (as you’d expect from the great man.) I watched the Damned United the other week as well, may give the book another whirl once I’ve got these bastard exams out of the way.

    Where did you get your “wings trimmed” lol? There any other good autobiographies from managers out there (I’m waiting for Fergie to do another one, don’t see the point in reading his first now!)

  14. @Tom, Yeah i got my wings trimmed in the Transfer Tavern when we were discussing respective managers.I thought yeah winna do that again matey!.So I bought the book the lad was speaking about Brian Clough.
    I just finished reading ‘Football- bloody – hell. Its a cracker of a book, but I detect Patrick Barclay is not to keen on Sir Alex, well prefers Mourhino to our Boss, a seperate debate, for another day.
    I saw you were doing exams, I cant recall where I read that, sorry.
    Anyways, I am glad as I said that Mickey Owen got his medal, he is no more unworthy than many others in my opinion.
    Keep it real Tom and keep it Red.Good luck with the studies mate.

  15. You guys may have watched the BBC production of ‘United’ recently which was primarily about Matt Busby’s assistant Jimmy Murphy. Try doing a search for his book ‘Matt, United and Me’ from the late sixties. If you come across it make sure you get it. It’s been on my bookshelf for 50 years and it’s brilliant.

  16. I should point out in fairness, no plagiarism.My post was @9.34 Scrolled from the ‘Talk Sport’ web site.The point still stands though.

  17. @RedScot: Yeah I’m a subscriber to The Times, Paddy Barclay has been on a bit of an ABU campaign these last few months. Would rather not put any money in the bitter ***** pocket, so will probably give that one a miss!

  18. The point is another: a plastic medal collected after just one start in thw whole season is more important than 2005 Cl’s trophy won by Gerrard and Carragher buhahahahahahahhahaahaha
    It’s a ridicoulous point, but hilarious under these basis … loooool.
    And it proves that You’re a band of futile glory hunters: in fact any so called – fan Who can share this point it’s a glory hunter Who notes the importance of a pathetic plastic medal….
    You can throw all your medal When You are an irrilevant player, humiliated any day by your manager: If Owen is an happy man in this sort of situation, then He’s not a man.

  19. Listen here Ben and co what do you know about football? I used to have great respect for Liverpool and actually supported them however I became utterly incensed at this generation of Liverpool fans attitude. Here are the facts You hounded Owen out of Liverpool with a constant stream of death threats and hate mail which had nothing to do with any contract situation. The fact is this had been going on for years. Finally you got your wish hounded a decent honourable man in Gerard Houllier out of the club and got a useless failure in Benitez in. Oh yes I laughed when I heard all you idiots refrain “in Rafa we trust” What a joke useless mercenary Spanish berk well nigh destroyed your club yet you are all far too stupid to see it. One other thing this is a site for United fans not pathetic jealous and deluded Scousers. Worry about your own club instead of bitching on here.

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