9 thoughts on “Is Patrice Evra’s Time Up?

  1. Has this been written by a Liverpool fan? “It’s about time Evra manned up” It’s about time so-called ‘reds’ like you got behind him instead of blaming him for all United’s faults.
    The guys played 40 games this season, since the Summer and as you noted in between castigating him, has no real back-up. If Rio or Rafael or Smalling had no back up where would we be? We’d be knackered cos Evra’s played almost as many games as all of them put together.
    Some United fans need a scapegoat and it seems Patrice is the preferred favourite of the idiots who sit at home googling stats while the rest of us support the team.

  2. I like this well-researched article. Great read, and very apt on its observations on Evra whom I think is weighed down by the demands of the captain’s arm band. However, he has played so many games and proved truly loyal to the United gritty cause. No 1 for me!

  3. I totally agree, last season he was culpable for so many goals, he is still great going forward but defensively he is our worst player by far, Im really surprised fergie has stuck with him this long.

    Opposing teams are now targeting him because he is so suspect at left back. He is a liability when 2 years ago he was a sensation. fergie time to pull him up

  4. United have been breathtaking going forward – what games have you been watching? United have lacked a great deal of creativity going forward, especially from the midfield, relying as ever on one-dimensional wing play to see them through, usually from regulation crosses that become very predictable to defend given how little else United offer in attack. Watching the team get into the final third of the pitch is a lesson in frustration as players pass the ball around, bereft of ideas, looking for someone else to play the killer ball. Rooney can’t beat anyone one-on-one so has to rely on little 1-2’s or crosses to try and get a shot on goal, and basically with everyone else it boils down to the goal mouth lottery of trying to get the ball in the area and hoping that the ball falls United’s way. Not particularly inspiring football. Nani is the only one capable of breaking the line with his speed and dribbling skills, but he’s been out injured and has been thrust out to the left wing (his less effective side) to accommodate Valencia. Berbatov is the only forward with the vision and skill sets to make things happen for others up front, but unfortunately he and Rooney can’t play on the same field together due to both preferring to drop deep behind another striker, so he isn’t getting much time at all – and of course with Rooney being Fergie’s love-child, he’d virtually have to lose a leg before the Scot would stop playing him, no matter how poorly he plays or how many games he goes through without scoring a goal.

  5. United need creativity. I agree with those who say we are a mere shadow of what we used to be. Watching United nowadays means shifting your bum around your seat and kicking out at an imaginary ball. The question is, what has gone wrong with our ability to buy top players? We have had Tosic, Diouf, Obertan, Bebe…no quality! Why don’t we get Sneidjer and end this nightmare. United supporters around the World are getting high bp.

  6. Justin, everyone has an opinion, and if you don’t agree with someone, that doesn’t mean “Some United fans need a scapegoat and it seems Patrice is the preferred favourite of the idiots who sit at home googling stats while the rest of us support the team.” Regardless of what you think, Evra has been poor this season, sure, he’s still got it going forward, but staying back, he’s been a liability, more than anything else.

    Timbo – I meant the ‘breathtaking’ part compared to last season’s performances. And I agree with everything you’ve said, especially the Rooney part. For me, Berbatov will always be a shade better. When someone performs badly – Carrick on his bad days – they’re literally destroyed by the fans, but on Rooney’s bad days, its just “aw that’s alright mate, we’ll get ’em next time out” ! That said, United with Rooney is far far better than United without Rooney.

    Alfie – I’m not sure about Sneijder, the man seems an injury magnet at times. Also, he has had consistency issues as well. You mentioned Tosic, but what rankles me more is that we’d got Adem Ljajic on a pre-contract agreement as well! and when the time came to put pen to paper, Fergie decided he didn’t want him! Now, he’s considered one of the top young players in the world. If we had managed to sign him, we’d never have this lack of creativity problem !

  7. Absolutely true article.. Hope Jordi Alba makes his way to United.. He ll prove to be a great signing..

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