6 thoughts on “Never mind who's coming, who's leaving United?

  1. Vida, Evra (£100m duo) wouldnt leave no matter what the london loving media claims, the abu’s will link these 2 out the door at ridiculous cheap prices cause their the best in the world in there positions, both have indicated they love utd and wants win back our title so dont worry what crap the media wants make just to ignore their own fabs want away from arsenal. Welbeck might go on loan who knows, depends how fair in the usa and he off to a good start with celtic gl.

  2. none of them are leaving and that is a fact. evra wants to retire at united and loved our club. welbeck is the future and not going anywhere. vidic is staying for several more years yet. no-one is leaving ad that is a fact. the anti-united media are pathetic and are terrified as they know we are going to take back our league and set for a third decade of dominance with our fantastic youth. real cant even afford our 100m duo of vidic and evra and neither are for sale and neither wants to leave.

  3. Vidic will leave because of his wife doesn’t enjoy living in Manchester. Women rule the world through men, sad but true. Evra in other hand wouldn’t leave us.

    Bruno Alves will replace Vidic and we are good.

  4. “Women rule the world through men” well said Manu. Apologies for repeating the old, sexist saying that “Women were born with a winning lottery ticket between their legs” Very crude but very true!

  5. To be honest, I don’t think anybody is on a move away from OT. Especially after Fergie stated that his team doesn’t need to be rebuild. Altho i can sense vidic leaving next season as smalling will be tested this season.

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